Photo by Hafidh Satyanto on Unsplash

You’re going to love our new tarot cloth! We’ve been working on a black and gold tarot cloth for you that features our solar system, and we’re almost done.

Many people have been telling me how inspired they are by their birth chart and feel so connected to their moon sign while the majority of the population only know their sun sign.

Inspired, I was so excited to dive in and learn what planets were in which house when I was born, and of course learn my moon sign. After a lot of rigamarole with my mom in trying to find out what time I was born, I learned my moon sign is the same as my sun sign – Leo. Maybe your chart will be more eventful there. =)

Dive deeper into the planetary perspectives in your birth chart:

Looking forward to getting this on our shop for you all soon.

Love and light, Cathy

The Planets are Aligning
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