I cherish my tarot practice and spent a long time searching for a tarot cloth I loved. It was important for me to let the cards shine and get a minimal cloth with a decorative border. I never found what I held in my heart so I made a cloth I loved.

For me, I focused on the elements and their corresponding tarot suites and clearly had a design to create. I was so excited by it I went to work finding the perfect cloth and sharing it with the tarot community.

I have worked through the tarot cloth process as a tarot enthusiast and a cloth creator and use my tarot cloth to create a sacred space and to protect my cards. I know other people use them as decoration for their altars, as their tablecloth for professional readings, and for both spreads and to wrap up their cards.

Tarot Cloths Create Sacred Space

As a practice, tarot usually starts with coming to your cards with a clear mind and heart. Clearing the space lets you tap into a pure energy and lets it flow through your body and deeper through your hands to draw out the right cards. Using a tarot cloth only enhances that clarity and claims that space for the reading.

Tarot Cloths Protect Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are meant to be handled and shuffled and are bound to get a lot of action, especially if you are pulling cards often. Natural oil, dust, and product already get on your cards, so protecting the surface is helpful for the longevity of your cards. I specifically use short hair velvet made of 100% polyester for its easy to wash nature, and soft textured hold on the cards. I like being able to lay out my cards on a thick cloth that doesn’t jostle easily and plainly feels good. For a lifelong practice, I value tarot decks that I buy and want them to last me the entire time. I’m in it for the long journey, and want to take care of them.

Tarot Cloths Amplify Your Message

My tarot cloths are an act of love. I have a vision for how I want to amplify my reading and space and I develop them into a border to help make my message echo. Sometimes I want to focus on multiple people so I’ll use my constellation cloth and place crystals on our signs, and other times I want to connect to an element so I’ll place a candle on the earth corner to stay grounded.

Tarot Cloths as Decoration

Tarot is beautiful. I love its message of self intuition and Universal guidance. Why not surround yourself with it? I have many cloths that are more ethereal, but I also have cheeky ones that get right down to a solid daily tarot practice claiming, But First Tarot.

I get so much inspiration from tarot and in turn have created so much for it. I find my cloths helping me to focus and love using them as part of my tarot ritual.


Enjoy your journey!

Love and light, Cathy

Why Use a Tarot Cloth?
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