Creating a welcoming, intention-filled, beautiful space that is yours to focus on your thoughts and tarot practice can be transformational. I have a small standing desk that I setup with my crystals, mini crystal grid, cloth, card of the day, and intention candle, and just looking at the table brings me peace.

In creating an altar, there are no rules or specifications of size, decor, or anything. It should just speak true to you and what you’re focusing on. I’d encourage you to use what you have and place anything there that brings you the right energy.

Altar Decoration Ideas

If you need some ideas to stir up some motivation, here are some items to consider for your altar:

  • Photos
  • Magazine cutouts or printed images of your ideal situation or belongings
  • Crystals
  • Candles
  • Mirrors
  • Plants
  • Feathers
  • Jewelry
  • Money
  • Fairy lights
  • Miniature items used for terrariums or dollhouses that represent what you’d like
  • Coasters, some coasters have beautiful art on them
  • Incense holders. I use a small wooden incense holder with a crystal grid on it that I place 12 small crystals on. My difficulty with large crystal grids is that it needs a lot of crystals I don’t have, so these mini ones let me use what I have and save space.


Your Altar Doesn’t Need Much

While all these suggestions are gorgeous and plentiful, please also keep in mind that it doesn’t need much. Your altar can be as simple as your favorite tarot cloth with your card of the day. It could be a beautiful corner table with a candle, cactus you already own, and a crystal or two. It can even be as minimal as one tea light. Whatever echoes the passion in your heart is perfect for your altar.

My Altar Ritual

I believe tarot and everyone’s spiritual journey is an extremely personal endeavor. Whatever you do should ring true to you. I hope my suggestions and offerings are taken as just some options that work for me. My altar ritual includes taking three deep breaths when I’m at my altar to help me clear my mind and heart. I tune into my intention and say out loud what I love and what my intentions are. Then I light my candle and let it burn until I go to bed or leave my house. It takes about a minute and it really helps me bring positivity and good energy into my home.

Enjoy your journey.

Love and light, Cathy

Decorate Your Altar
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