Self Care, Connection, and Relaxation Techniques for Tarot Readers and Enthusiasts

I wanted to turn to the elements for finding peace because I’ve been drawn to them since connecting their symbolism to classic tarot. The Greek classical elements of earth, fire, wind, and water were believed to be the simplest form of all matter and the core of nature and all complexity in the world. These four elements were proposed as the building blocks of life and are represented by the four tarot suits.

Elements and their Tarot Suits

  • Water, Cups: feeling and feminine
  • Fire, Wands: inspiration and action
  • Earth, Pentacles: money and health
  • Air, Swords: consciousness

Everyone has different ways to relax and calm down. There are endless lists on how to feel better. Feeling connected with tarot and the elements, I started a list of ways to focus on a certain element in my meditation or if I wanted to counterbalance any overwhelm of an element in my life.

I’ll focus on an element if I want to draw more attention to that part of my life. If I need a grounding energy because I am focusing on my business or my home I’ll work through an earth focused meditation. Or, if I’m feeling like a couch potato, I’ll take that as having a lot of earth in me and focus on the opposite element, air, to balance me out.

Counterbalance thoughts to keep in mind:

  • Air is opposite of Earth
  • Fire is opposite of Water

Here are some ways I’ve conjured up a certain element in my practice.

Fire Inspired

  • Light your favorite candles.
  • Heat up from within by cooking something spicy.
  • Practice the breathe of fire. A fast paced cleansing breath routine routed in Kundalini yoga.

Water Inspired

  • Take a long, warm bath infused with the power of crystals. Considering that some crystals are toxic and others fall apart in water, the easiest way to do this is by placing your crystals in a watertight container and place the container in your bath. As long as no water seeps in, you can place your crystals in a Ziploc bag, mason jar, or some good tupperware.
  • Close your eyes for a moment and relax with a few sprays of a soothing mist spray on your face.
  • Sometimes during a shower I’ll stand underneath the flow for a few extra moments, bring my chin to my neck and let the water run over my head while I take deep breaths.
  • Drink your favorite tea.

Earth Inspired

  • Get down to it and lie down in your yard. I love laying out a blanket and kicking off my shoes so I can put my feet on the grass. I’ve read this is very good for jetlag!
  • Plant something you love to eat.
  • Forage for mushrooms.
  • Take a forest bath, which is basically reconnecting with nature by walking or sitting in a calm outdoors space.

Air Inspired

  • Drive anywhere you love with the windows down. Have you ever seen a sad dog with its head out a moving cars window? Nope!
  • Remember when you were a kid and you’d ride your bike after school? You’d feel so light and excited by the freedom of biking around your neighborhood that for a moment you’d lift your arms and feel like you could fly? Let’s get that feeling back.
  • Take time for a breathing meditation. This can be as simple as breathing in and out for 5 seconds and slowly lengthening that breath for as long as you feel comfortable.

I hope some of these suggestions bring some balance into your life.

Enjoy your journey.

Love and light, Cathy

Reconnecting with Myself by Connecting with the Elements
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